Class Dojo
The Class Dojo App is an online system which is used throughout our school. All pupils from Year R-6 have their own monster profile within the system in which they can earn points for displaying behaviours which align with the school’s M.I.R.R.O.R and Hi-Five values. All members of staff within the school community use Class Dojo points as a positive behaviour management strategy to recognise children’s successes.
Skills badges within the app are used to provide the children with clear and specific praise. Staff will choose the badge which matches the positive behaviour that the child is displaying. One example of this would be awarding 2 points for displaying “resilience”. All classes within the school have a set of CORE badges which relate to the school values to maintain consistency. Class Teachers are permitted to edit and adapt extra badges which reflect the specific needs or targets of individual classes.
Throughout the year, children work towards individual milestones and will receive Class Dojo Certificates when they pass through them.
Bronze Award 100 points
Silver Award 200 points
Gold Award 300 points
Diamond Award 500
Platinum Award 750
1,000 points = A postcard will be sent home by the headteacher
As well as working towards individual milestones, children are also grouped into house teams, within which they team up with other pupils from across the school. Each individual dojo point earnt is also be added to the whole school house team total. These weekly totals are shared with each phase during Owlets assemblies and the House Team that has the highest total at the end of each term will be invited to wear non-school uniform – in their house team colours - for the last day of term.