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Frequently Asked Questions

We hope you find the information you are looking for. However, we have created this page to help answer some of the frequently asked questions we regularly receive.

How do I pay for school trips?

Once you have been entered onto our school database, the school office will generate a Scopay account letter issuing you with a unique link-up code specific to your child.  Once you have set up your child’s account you will be able to make payments for trips.

Scopay web link:

How do I order school meals? 

School Meals and Packed Lunches Web Page Link

All school meals should be pre-ordered in advance by parents/carers. Ordering school meals from home is quick and simple and by using the SchoolGrid website:

Please provide your child with a packed lunch on their first day at Vigo Primary School, it will take one day to request the account link up from SchoolGrid. On the day your child starts at Vigo Primary School, you will be sent an email link directly from SchoolGrid to create an account. If you do not receive an email, please let the office know so we can check we have your correct e-mail address and request a new link be sent. Once you have registered, you can select the ‘Account’ tab to add credit and the ‘Order Meals’ tab to pre-order meals.  If your child is registered for Free School Meals or Universal Free School Meals, there will be no charge for meals, however you will still be required to order your child’s meals in advance using the SchoolGrid system. 

What is the school uniform, and how do I order it?

School Day and Uniform Web Page Link

You can view our school uniform requirements by visiting the ‘School Uniform’ page on our school website.

If my child is sick, who do I let know?

Attendance Web Page Link

Please call the school office and leave a message on the answerphone before 9:00am alternatively please email our Attendance Officer directly; Mrs Renouf at Please specify your child’s full name, class / year and reason for absence.

Do you offer before and after-school childcare?

Breakfast and After School Childcare Web Page Link

The After-School Childcare Club is currently provided off-site by the Scott Centre.  The Scott Centre collects children from the school and transports them to their after-school provision via mini-bus. The provision is based at Mead Hedges, Andover, Hampshire, SP10 2LB.  You can contact The Scott Centre on 01264 332188 to book your child into this club.

We currently run an in-house breakfast club. Please complete the enclosed Breakfast Club Registration Form and return it to the school office.

Can my child bring a snack to school?

KS1 (years R, 1, 2) children are issued with a snack in school. This is typically in the form of a piece of fruit.  This is funded by the government.

KS2 (years 3, 4, 5, 6) children can bring a healthy-based snack for break times.

Vigo Primary School is strictly a ‘no nut’ school.  Please do not send your children to school with nuts or nut-related products. These will be confiscated.

Can my child bring a toy to school?

We ask you to leave all your precious toys at home. We have lots of toys to access at break time and lunchtime for your children to play with.

How long will my child have to eat their lunch?

Lunchtime runs from 12:00pm to 1:00pm. All children have a twenty-minute eating slot apart from Year R who enter the dinner hall at 11:50am, and typically have thirty minutes. 

Please do not worry, if your child is a slow eater, they will not be made to rush eating. The lunch halls are staffed for the full duration of lunch, so there is plenty of time to eat and support is on hand by way of Midday Supervisory Assistants. We will inform you if your child is not eating as much as we would like.

What happens if my child has a food allergy or special diet?

Food Allergies

Please indicate whether your child has a food allergy (by selecting ‘Food’ and ‘Allergens’ tabs) on your SchoolGrid account.  Once you have updated this section, SchoolGrid will automatically eliminate menu options containing allergen foods specific to the indicator(s) selected.

Special Diet / Bespoke Menu

If your child has a diagnosed food allergy, and you would like a bespoke menu for your child you must contact Dolce Catering directly to request this. Dolce Catering will ask for evidence of the diagnosis prior to issuing a bespoke menu.  Contact details for Dolce Customer Care are as follows:

Dietary Preferences (e.g. pork-free)

There is not an option to specify diet preferences on ShoolGrid, it is your responsibility to choose the correct meal for your child in accordance with their diet preferences.

What does my child wear to school on PE and forest school days?

Children can wear their PE and forest school kits to school on the day they are due to take part in these activities. However, we like them to wear their school jumper / cardigan over the top.

How will I be updated about my child's learning?

Class teachers will give any necessary, daily updates at drop off/collection time. However, they are more than happy to speak to you on the telephone or via email, and quite often use these methods to contact you to have more in-depth discussions. 

We hold Owlet Assemblies every week to celebrate good work. If your child is due to receive an Owlet Award, a message will be sent to you via email/text message.

We hold two parents' evenings per academic year; autumn and spring terms.  You will also receive an end of year report in the summer term, this will include any assessment data if in applicable year groups; e.g. Year 2 and Year 6.

If you have any questions regarding your child’s learning, please do speak to your child’s class teacher.

Where do I drop my child off and pick up from?

Drop off and collection locations are from the external classroom doors.

When dropping off in the morning, please do share with your child’s class teacher any useful information to enable us to support your child at school, for example, if your child has had a bad night’s sleep, a pet has passed away, if they have stayed with someone different over the weekend or if you have any general worries or concerns.

Will you call me if my child falls over or incurs a minor injury whilst at school?

If a minor injury; slip, trip, cut, graze etc… happens to your child whilst at school, they will be checked by a member of staff, appropriate first aid will be administered, and your child will be issued an accident slip, this will be sent home with your child in their book/school bag.

If your child has a bump to the head whilst at school, they will receive the appropriate first aid. If it is minor your child will be monitored, and you will be notified via phone or email. Your child will be issued with an accident slip and a ‘head bump’ wristband will be placed on their wrist. This helps all school staff and parents/carers to identify a head bump occurrence.  If the bump is a cause for concern, you will be contacted immediately.

What happens if my child has a medical, dental or optician appointment during the school day?

We advise you to try, where possible, to make appointments outside of school hours however we know that this is not always possible. If you need to take your child out of school for any reason, please inform the school office and provide evidence of the appointment.

How many people can I put on the authorised collection list for my child and how do I update the list?

You will need to provide at least two contacts, but you can have as many listed as required. Please ensure that details are current and updated at all times.

Please send written confirmation for any additional adults you wish to add or remove from the end of day collection list, please include details of their full name and relationship with the child. This authorisation must be sent in writing by the parent/carer of the child, we cannot accept verbal authorisation.  All updates must be sent to the

Will my child receive homework?

Children in all year groups are expected to read daily at home.

Each year group will be provided home learning based on their year group curriculum.

What do I do if my child has a medical condition or requires administration of medication?

If your child has a diagnosed medical condition a Health Care Plan must be completed with the school.  You will be issued with a copy of the plan, along with the class teacher and a copy will be held in the school office with any associated medication. If the medication is lifesaving, i.e. epi-pen / inhaler, these will be held in a special medical box in the classroom along with the associated Health Care Plan and administration of medication log.

All medication must be brought into school via the school office, not via your child’s bag.  This enables the office team to complete the relevant paperwork and forms and allows the team to monitor medicines in school.  Medication must have a prescription label on them displaying your child’s name.  Medication not labelled, will not be accepted, it is important the school office team can clearly see administration of medication information (this is displayed on prescription labels).

Where can I park when coming to the school?

Parking on Vigo Road can often become congested; therefore, we would advise you to walk to school where you can, or ‘park and stride’ by parking safely a short distance from school and walking the last part of your journey. This will help with congestion on the road and to keep the school areas safe for everyone.

Can my child scoot or cycle to school? Is there a place to store my child's scooter/bike?

We actively encourage healthy movement and activity, but please ensure your child does not ‘scoot or ride’ on school grounds. Please be advised that children cycling or susing their scooters to come to school must wear a helmet.

Bikes and scooters can be stored by the main school office in the scooter rack and bikes can be left inside the fenced area by the school office.

How can I apply for Free School Meals?

School Meals and Packed Lunches Web Page Link
Hampshire County Council - Free School Meal On-Line Application Link

Children in KS1 (years R,1,2) automatically qualify for Universal Free School Meals; a government-funded scheme. Therefore, you will not be required to pay for school meals, but applying for free school meals for your KS1 child will help increase the funding sent to the school by the government.

If you are eligible and your child is in KS2 (years 3, 4, 5, 6) you will be required to apply for free school meals using the Free School Meal Application form.  

Please click on the link above to complete the form, alternatively you can pop into the school office and member of the team will be more than happy to help you with the application.