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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1

Year 1 is led by Mrs McNeil (Portugal Class Teacher) alongside the Year 1 team. The Year 1 team includes Miss Askwith (Iceland Class Teacher) and Miss Russel (Norway Class Teacher). The staff team are passionate in developing a smooth transition from the EYFS to KS1 curriculum and are supported by many creative Learning Support Assistants.  

Year 1 Curriculum

At Vigo Primary School in Year 1 the curriculum is designed to ease the children in transitioning from EYFS to KS1. During the Autumn Term, the Year 1 provision promotes child-led learning through the approach of continuous provision and play. There is an outdoor classroom shared by the Year 1 classes and children will have access to this throughout the day. We move slowly at the pupils' pace to more formal learning styles throughout Spring Term. 

Forest School:

During the year, each week your child will have the opportunity explore our Forest School curriculum with Mr Hodgeson. The children really enjoy being outside and Mr H will always encourage their participation, no matter the weather. Please ensure your children are dressed, or have a change of clothes to suite the curriculum design and weather. 

PE and Sports:

Throughout the year your child will be taught their weekly PE by both their class teacher and our highly skilled and experienced Sports Coach Mr Holmes. Please ensure children are dressed for outdoor PE each week including trainers.


Each week your child will be taught Art by both their class teacher and our professional and extremely creative Artist Teacher Mrs Marta. They will complete their Art with Mrs Marta in our newly renovated Art studio.

Year 1 Key Information

In Year 1 the children will experience learning in many different forms and have the opportunity to partake in lots of varied and exciting lessons. Please see below for useful information regarding what to bring to school on selected days of the week:



Wednesday - Forrest school (long sleeve tops, full length bottoms and suitable footwear- trainers or wellington boots), PE Sports Coach and Art Studio.

Thursday - Class PE (school PE Kit to be worn all day)


Year 1 News, Events and Communication

Please find below half-termly newsletters and information for trips and events.