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Vigo Primary School

Opening a World of Learning and Opportunity


Half Termly Overview History



Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2





Year R

EYFS linked to History. History can be linked to a wide range of the Early Learning Goals and is explored through shared reading, circle times, teacher taught content and learning through play in continuous provision. It has particularly strong links within ‘Communication and Language’ and ‘Reading’ where children will explore talk, share ideas and listen to and retell/re-enact stories in the correct sequence. Traditional tales offer opportunities to compare and contrast different versions of familiar tales which lays the ground work for comparison of divergent sources in their future history careers. Additionally, links within ‘Maths: Space, Shape and Measure’ build children’s early understanding of time and the associated vocabulary, focusing on daily routines and experiences within their own lives. This supports the development of early concepts of chronology, as well as an understanding that people have different routines, traditions, cultures and experiences, which are also underpinning by ‘Knowledge and Understanding of the World’. Children are encouraged to notice features and details of their immediate environment and experience and to comment on patterns and change, supporting later exploration of continuity and change within history.

YrR Concepts

Belonging & Identity

Community & Trust

Transformation & Responsibility

Year 1

‘Then’ & ‘Now’ Toys

Children will look at changes within living memory via the medium of toys, exploring change and continuity through discussion, exploration/play and questioning of relevant visitors.

Scott of the Antarctic

Led by a Geography focus, children will explore continuity and change in exploration of the Antarctic, changes in transport, equipment and collaboration. They will look at a few written and pictorial sources to answer simple questions.

Queen Elizabet II


Yr1 Concepts

Friendship & Belonging

Sustainability & Community

Identity & Beauty

Year 2

Rosa Parkes & Emily Pankhurst

Children will compare key figures of international significance from different periods, looking at what motivated their actions, including attitudes relating to race and gender. They will consider the impact of their actions on people's lives then and now.

The Great Fire of London

To explore significant moments beyond living memory, to investigate the cause & consequence of GFoL; to compare & contrast a small number of contemporary sources and use them to talk about life at the time and the GFoL.


The children will look at the events surrounding the sinking of the Titanic, including how class impacted on who survived and how this effected the sources available to us today.

Yr2 Concepts

Equality & Segregation

Adversity & Consequences

Class & Oppression

Year 3

The Romans

Children will explore characteristic features of daily life in Ancient Rome, including social hierarchy and government. They will investigate the Roman Empire’s invasion of Britain & its impact on British society both then and now, looking for evidence of continuity and change. They will begin to consider how accurate different sources might be in teaching us about the past.

The Eruption of Mt Vesuvius

This topic will explore the geographical location of Vesuvius and Pompeii and the threat that the volcano posed. Children will explore the benefits of living in this location (for example to farming) and the impact of the eruption on Pompeii by using different source material, including written and archaeological evidence.

Children will use chronological understanding to place the eruption of Pompeii on a timeline.

The Stone Age:

Local Study

Children will place the Stone Age on a timeline to understand the scope of history. They will consider some of the key changes that came about at this time and the consequences for the people that followed (for example the move from Neolithic hunter-gatherer to farming). The unit will also explore the impact of Stone Age man on his surrounding environment, including characteristics that can still be observed today (hill fortes, Stonehenge, etc.)

Yr3 Concepts

Influence & Diversity

Fear & Transformation

Peace & Truth

Year 4

Ancient Greece

Children will explore characteristic features of daily life in Ancient Greece, including religion, social hierarchy and government. They will use their learning to reflect on the impact of Ancient Greece on democracy today. They will interrogate different sources and begin to consider their reliability and scope.


Children will develop their knowledge of the history of the British Isles. They will learn about the tribal nature of Britain at the time, including invasions from Ireland to north Britain and of the regional kings. They will learn some aspects of Anglo Saxon life including what Anglo Saxon settlements looked like, farming and the conversion to Christianity. Children will interrogate a range of sources and draw on them to form their own opinions.


Children will learn about where the Vikings came from, why they invaded Britain and their conflict with the Saxons. They will consider the impact of the Viking invasions upon Britain, considering a range of sources, their provenance and how this effects their reliability. They will begin to use these sources to form their own opinions of the period.

Yr4 Concepts

Community & Democracy

Diversity & Transformation

Creativity & Individuality

Year 5

Maya Civilisation

Children will learn about a non-European civilization that provides contrasts with British history. They will learn about the importance of farming and faith to the Maya, as well as the structure of their society. They will place it on a timeline and draw comparisons with life and values in Britain during the same period.

Ancient Egyptians

Children will locate Ancient Egypt on a timeline and discuss the scope of history, the longevity of Empires and civilisations studied and make comparisons with Bronze Age Britain. They will learn about the structure of Egyptian society, the importance of the Nile to farming and aspects of their religious practises, including mummification. They will consider archaeological artefacts and the pyramids as sources and use specific historical terms such as ancient, empire and civilisation.

The Tudors

Children will revisit and build upon Year 2 learning around the GFoL. They will interrogate written and pictorial sources to find out about medicine, health & everyday life, particularly surrounding The Plague. They will analyse the role of the monarchy in Tudor times and compare it to today’s monarchy. They will consider the provenance of sources and compare the views of people at different levels of society.

Yr5 Concepts

Change & Wealth

Community & Creativity

Power & Identify

Year 6

WW2 – Battle of Britain & Victory in Europe

Children will learn about a significant event in history post-1066 and its impact on modern Britain. They will place WW2 on a timeline, discussing its proximity to modern life in comparison to other periods studied. They will learn about some of the causes of WW2 and Britain’s reasons for going to war. They will interrogate sources to discover the impact WW2 had on life at home, particularly for children of the day, contrasting the different experiences of a range of evacuees. They will look at the Battle of Britain for cause and consequence, considering how it contributed to victory.

Life as a Victorian Child:

Local study

Children will learn about Victorian childhood nationally and more locally, comparing it to their own experiences. They will analyse ways in which life has changed or stayed the same for children (for example, schooling, discipline and expectation) and give reasons for these changes, siting some human rights. They should be able to interrogate a range of sources, considering reliability, perspective and relevance and draw conclusions based on their research. They should now be able to create complex timelines, reflecting the breadth of their study throughout Primary school and use chronologically relevant vocabulary when discussing periods of history.

Yr6 Concepts

Conflict & Stewardship

Adversity & Class

Community & Power

